Monday, January 25, 2010

The Peter Chao Experience

A few months ago my cousin was ranting and raving about this flavor of the month youtube sensation Peter Chao. To be honest, at first I thought his videos blew, and didn't understand why he was getting so many hits to his youtube page. A month after this original view someone on my facebook posted a link to another Peter Chao video. recognizing the name, and remembering that I didn't find him particularly funny I still clicked on the link. Watching this second video "Chinese guy is a SEXIST" actually made me laugh out loud alone in my living room. I proceeded to watch several more video and upgraded his status from 'ehhh not impressed' to 'comedic prodigy'. Being from the same city as this guy I am on the Peter Chao hunt! My goal is to be featured in one of his videos and if I'm lucky enough have him rip on me.

Honestly, if you are reading this and have any sense of humor, do yourself a favor and watch a video, if you don't like him, spam his wall and make rip on him, lots of people do it.

Click here to check out his site.

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