Saturday, January 30, 2010

who would do this to poor little kittens?!?!?!

Original ad:
670cc commercial wood chipper/shredder for sale. Little bit of rust but works great. Contact Joe - *********** $4000 OBO

From Me to ***********

Hi Joe,

Is the wood chipper still for sale?



From Joe ****** to Me:

Yes, I still have the wood chipper.

From Me to Joe ******:

I don't have $4000, but what I do have is $200 and a need for use of a wood chipper for about half an hour. Would I be able to rent it from you for $200?


From Joe ****** to Me:

I don't see why not. What are you using it for?

From Me to Joe ******:

Don't worry about that. So would I be able to swing by and pick it up in my truck, then bring it back about an hour later? I can leave my driver's license as collateral.


From Joe ****** to Me:

First you need to tell me what the chipper is being used for or you can find someone else.

From Me to Joe ******:

Okay, I'll try to explain my situation. My cat just had a litter of kittens, and I can't get rid of them. I tried giving them to my friends and putting ads online, but nobody wants them. I even tried releasing them into the wild but they keep coming back to my house. I can't stand these little fuckers pissing everywhere and clawing up my furniture. So I figure my next option is to put them down. I can't afford to have it done professionally, so I think a wood chipper would be the next most humane way. I looked up your model and saw it has a 6 inch input, which I think will be perfect for me.


From Joe ****** to Me: No.

From Me to Joe ******:

Why not? It is an easy $200 for you. Can't you just pretend I took it to mulch some wood?


From Joe ****** to Me:

No. You are a sick sick sick sick sick person.

From Me to Joe ******:

I'll give you $250 and throw in a free kitten (not mulched, of course). Plus, I thought about my plan some more, and I decided to put meow mix all around the input, and just leave the kittens near it. That way, if they get shredded, it is their own damn fault, and my hands are clean.



  1. i wonder what became of the kittens...

  2. i don't know... but i hope they don't like meow mix

  3. LOOOOL hahahha, what the fuck is happening to people !

  4. Tell me what has become of my life
    I have a wife and two children who love me
    I am the victim of police brutality, now
    I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
    You're rapin' me of my pride
    Oh, for God's sake
    I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
    Set me free
